Thank you for stopping by and welcome to the Illinois Head Start Association! The Illinois Head Start Association (IHSA) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, a non-partisan association serving as the voice of Illinois’ Head Start/Early Head Start programs, staff and parents.
Our Mission:
To mobilize, strengthen, and inspire our membership in the interest of our children, families, staff, and communities.
Why we do it?
Strong, bright futures begin at Head Start/Early Head Start and IHSA is dedicated to supporting our members with their critical mission of serving children and families who are the most fragile or vulnerable across every community in Illinois.
Who are we?
IHSA provides assistance to Illinois Head Start and Early Head Start programs to ensure their ongoing viability and vitality to operate a high impact, community driven Head Start/Early Head Start program. IHSA advocates for its members at the federal, state and local level to secure more funding and achieve beneficial policy changes and better serve Illinois’ most vulnerable children and families.
How we do it?
Elevating the Head Start/Early Head Start community by Educating, Advocating, Collaborating, and Communicating. By communicating with members, and creating opportunities for learning and connections, members are increasingly engaged, unified and supported as they work to better serve their clients and communities.
To mobilize, strengthen, and inspire our membership in the interest of our children, families, staff, and communities.
IHSA will grow and diversify its revenue to enhance membership resources and services, strategically promote awareness and advocacy, develop strong leaders, and encourage innovation. We aim to be the preferred training and technical assistance provider for Illinois Head Start and Early Head Start programs.