Immigration Rights Resources
- Know Your Rights & Rapid Response Virtual Training for Head Start staff and families.
- April 11 (Friday) at 1:30pm.
- Register HERE.
- ALL Head Start programs in Illinois are invited to attend.
- Hosted by City of Chicago Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights (CIRR), in partnership with The Resurrection Project, scaleLIT, and Illinois Head Start Association.
- Quick Tips & Info for your Head Start/Early Head Start Program (shared by fellow HS Programs in Illinois):
- Tips for Responding to ICE Inquiries at Head Start Centers PDF
- Tips for Responding to ICE Inquiries at your Community Action Agency (CAA) PDF
- Encourage HS families to update their Emergency Contact Information.
- Designate a specific staff person (persons) to be the only people to interact with enforcement agents.
- Establish how staff should interact with federal immigration agents.
- Establish rules for authorized staff and parents to access the program.
- Set clear expectations and guidelines for visitors to the program.
- Establish procedures for notifying staff and parents of urgent information.
- Set guidelines for storing and releasing private data about parents, children, and staff.
- Once clear policies are developed, be transparent in communicating to parents/families as to what your program will do / will not do.
- more to come...
- ConsulApp Contigo - a lifeline for nationals in the U.S. facing immigration threats
- The Mexican Government has recently launched this emergency alert app for Mexican Nationals.
- Features a button for users to alert their emergency contacts and consulate officials if they're facing detention.
- Can schedule an appointment to seek passport services and find the closest consulate.
- Provides resources and information about legal rights.
- Available on Apple and Android platforms right now.
- Know Your Rights (KYR) Training Video & Rights Card - Opening Doors/Abriendo Puertas
- Includes KYR Video in Spanish on how to prepare parents and talk to children.
- KYR Rights Cards to download and carry (in Spanish, Arabic, Somali, Farsi).
- KYR Tool Kit: Includes Family Preparedness plans (in Spanish, Chinese).
- KYR Informational documents: What Immigrant Families Should Do Now (in Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Korean, Russian, Tagalog, Vietnamese).
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center
- Immigration Relief Toolkit for Criminal Defenders
- Family Preparedness Plan
- KYR Red Cards
- Downloadable and printable
- in 16 languages: Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Haitian Creole, Hmong, Khmer, Korean, Pashto, Portugese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Tigriniya, Ukranian, and Vietnamese.
- Immigration Preparedness Toolkit
- KYR Toolkit
- Illinois Coalition for Immigrant & Refugee Rights (ICIRR)
- 24-Hour Emergency Support: 1-855-HELP-MY-FAMILY (1-855-435-7693).
- English, Spanish, Korean, Polish.
- Report ICE activity.
- Know Your Rights: To Do (one-pager)
- Easy to download, print, and share.
- Other services include Case Management, DACA, Legal, Domestic Violence, Healthcare Access, Mental Health, LGBTQ+, Human Trafficking, Public Charge, Workplace rights, issues, or safety for immigrants.
- Illinois State Board of Education
- By Location
- The Immigration Project
- Immigration legal services on a sliding scale to people in Central & Southern Illinois.
- Includes in-person consultation, teleconferencing, and old-fashined circuit riding.
- Utilizes a rural-regional service model to provide affordable, accessible, and high-quality immigration legal services.
- Quick Tips & Info
- Establish an emergency contact person who can:
- Pick up your child from childcare (update childcare’s emergency contact info).
- Can make medical and legal decisions for your child (have this in writing).
- “Expedited Removal” programs:
- Neighborhood raids, workplaces.
- Immediate deportation without due process or coming before a judge, if no documents and in US for less than 2 years.
- At risk: Those ordered to deport in the past and those who have had contact with criminal legal system.
- *Chicago is protected by the “Welcoming City Ordinance” which includes that the Chicago Police Department (CPD) cannot collaborate with federal immigration investigations under any condition. Chicago’s Welcoming City resources page.
- What are your HS/EHS program's policies and protocols if ICE was to make a visit to your center &/ to prepare your families?
- Share tips, ideas, suggestions, insights, experiences with Linda at This section will be updated to share with you and others in the HS/EHS community.