IHSA Board of Directors / Nomination Form
Great news! The Illinois Head Start Association (IHSA) is ready to launch their annual process for selecting members to serve on the Board of Directors. We need strong leaders (like yourself) during these challenging times to serve on the IHSA Board. We are looking for executive directors, directors, site directors, parents, managers, administrators, teachers, partners, etc. This year the Nomination Committee will be selecting the following At Large positions:
Director Component
2 At Large members/two year term
Friend Component
2 At Large members/two year term
Parent Component
2 At Large members/two year term
Staff Component
2 At Large members/two year term
So, here's how it works.
1. Open nominations will be accepted NOW until the close of business on January 23, 2025. You can nominate someone or complete an application for yourself.
2. Interested applicants must complete the Application to be considered. The online application can be completed by following this link, IHSA 2025 Board of Directors Nomination Form or you may print and submit this PDF version.
Once Applications are received -
3. The IHSA Nomination Committee will review all Applications and select the top candidates for each of the Components (Director, Parent, Staff and Friend).
4. The IHSA Nomination Committee will schedule virtual interviews with the top candidates from each Component.
5. The selected Candidates will be placed on the Nomination Slate to be brought forward to the full IHSA Board of Directors for approval at their February 2025 Board Meeting.
6. After approval by the full Board the final candidates will be notified and announced to the full membership on Thursday, February 20th, during the Annual Conference Scholarships and Awards Luncheon.
PLEASE, share with your staff, parents and partners. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out and ask. All questions welcomed.
Thank you!
- The IHSA Team
(217) -241-3511