little girl with dandelion

123 For Head Start

Every child and family deserves an opportunity to succeed. We can help make that happen with the Illinois Head Start 1-2-3 For Head Start Campaign. Created to support the awareness and dvocacy work of Head Start and Early Head Start in IL.

Why it Matters?

We are committed to ensuring that, as federal grantees, your membership dollars (about 18%) of our budget) are not used for lobbying. Yet, the work of advocacy is core to our mission - it's why your association exists. It requires a wide range of activity:

  • collecting and organizing data,
  • building coalitions with other advocates,
  • communicating with members, and
  • educating legislators and staff at the state and federal level.

This requires resources like websites and apps, marketing and communications, time and travel - especially to Washington, D.C.

To sustain these critical advocacy efforts without using federal funds, we rely on private donations, fundraising campaigns, and member contributions beyond dues. Your support helps ensure that we can continue to amplify the voices of Head Start children and families, mobilize grassroots advocacy, and strengthen our impact at every level of government. Every dollar raised directly fuels our ability to inform, engage, and advocate effectively for the future of Head Start.

Mail your check donation to:
     Illinois Head Start Association
Attn: 123 for Head Start Campaign
3435 Liberty Drive
Springfield, IL 62704 

Or, pay by credit card:


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What can you do locally?

 HOST ACTIVITIES AT YOUR OWN PROGRAM! Not sure what you can and cannot do? Or looking for activities? Download the Toolkit and learn about creative activities others are doing


Contributions make it possible for us to expand our network of advocacy and strengthen our collective capacity to better defend the critical work you do every day - providing gold standard services and care to Illinois' most at-risk infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, and their families. These voluntary contributions are critical for our advocacy efforts, building our capacity in Illinois and our nation's capital to:

  • Monitor state and federal legislation and regulations impacting Head Start/Early Head Start
  • Share our story with state and federal policy makers
  • Educate the public about Head Start successes and how programs are funded.
  • Build state and national coalitions that support at-risk families

Download the Toolkit

How does it work?

Every $1.00 donated goes to Illinois Head Start Association for awareness and advocacy on behalf of all Head Start/Early Head Start community.

It's Easy As 1-2-3

1 dollar, 2 actions , 3 friends

Donate $1.00; 2 advocacy actions; Ask 3 others to take action, too.

We can do more, together! Click on the DONATE button!